Det skandinaviska death metal-bandet THORIUM slår tillbaka med besked. Det nya albumet ”The Bastard” är ute idag. Deras sjätte album sedan bildandet 1997, ”The Bastard” har ett seriöst låtskrivarteam: Rogga Johansson (Paganizer), Thomas Olsson (Blackscape) och MHA, kända från Withering Surface. Hela processen med albumet tog mindre än sex månader, från början av låtskrivandet i mars, till inspelningen i april, mixningen och mastringen i maj (gjord av Marco Angioni i hans Anguioni Studios) till släppet av albumet idag. Thorium-basisten Jesper Nielsen lade till basen och Thorium-gitarristerna JP Storm och Jose Cruz är båda med med gitarrsolon på albumet tillsammans med Jonas Lindblood (Puteraeon). Nyckelorden i ”The Bastard” är ”loud”, ”wall out sound”, ”massive” med en modern tolkning av old school. ”The Bastard” finns idag ute på CD, LP (svarta och röda vinylversioner finns, vardera begränsade till 200 exemplar) och digitala format, via Emanzipation Productions. Beställ den här.
“This time around we wanted the sound to come of the speakers. Some death metal bands aim for an old school sound like 1991, with “The Bastard” we aimed for a fresh sound anno 2024 that should be massive and with no compromise”, vocalist MHA offers. “Originally the idea for the album title was “Sverige” (Swedish for… Sweden), as a follow-up to the last album entitled “Danmark” (Danish for… Denmark), so the actual front cover symbolizes the map of Sweden – if you look deep into it. As with the last two albums the Italian master Roberto Toderico was chosen to do the artwork. In the end “The Bastard” was a better fitted titled, though, as this album really was done in a different way, in a bastard way you can only do when you think of the box, have full focus and take full control and probably something you can only do once?”. ”Vocal-wise this is without a doubt the most varied and most well performed Thorium album ever done. On this album I really felt on top of my game and some of the choruses are the strongest I ever did – in any of the bands I’ve been recording with”, MHA ends. Confused? Excited? Recording lineup: MHA (Michael Hvolgaard Andersen) – Vokills Jesper Nielsen – Bass Rogga Johansson – Guitars Thomas Ohlsson – Drums Except ”Mesmerize” – all strings and drums by Henrik ”Heinz” Bastrup Jacobsen |